We play:

Settlers of Catan - Puerto Rico - Agricola - Condottiere - Ticket to Ride - Citadels - Torres - Shadows over Camelot - Race for the Galaxy - Formula De - Seven Wonders .. that kind of thing.

The club owns lots of games, and our members bring even more.

We meet:

Every Thursday - 8pm - Oak House Sports and Social Club, Leamington Spa

We welcome:


We charge:

Nothing! But if you do become a regular you will need to join the Social Club

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Play Board Games in Leamington Spa Tonight - 23rd August 2018

BoardSilly Games Club meets tonight at the Newbold Comyn Arms from 8:00.

All welcome. Bring a board game or two and some money for drinks and 50p subs (unless it is your first time, in which case you’re welcome to play for free).

I will bring some games owned by the club, including Deus Egypt.

See you later,

John E

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