We play:

Settlers of Catan - Puerto Rico - Agricola - Condottiere - Ticket to Ride - Citadels - Torres - Shadows over Camelot - Race for the Galaxy - Formula De - Seven Wonders .. that kind of thing.

The club owns lots of games, and our members bring even more.

We meet:

Every Thursday - 8pm - Oak House Sports and Social Club, Leamington Spa

We welcome:


We charge:

Nothing! But if you do become a regular you will need to join the Social Club

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Play board games tonight in Leamington?

I won't be there tonight* but others might be. Check our mailing list to see if there'll be enough gamers for more than a game of patience.

* Actually I might turn up around 9pm, depending on stuff.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Play Board Games in Leamington Spa Tonight

Play Board Games in Leamington Spa Tonight.

BoardSilly Games Club meet at 8pm in the Newbold Comyn Arms from 8pm.

Let me know if you have any requests from club games that I might have.

There is a Lantern Parade in Leamington tonight so some of the roads may be closed & town may be busy & I may be late getting to the pub.
See you later,

John E

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Board Silly in question tonight

A number of us can't make it tonight, so until two or more people say they'll be going, I'm going to assume it's off.

But watch this space - I'll update it if anything changes.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Neophytes welcome

I fancy playing something new (to me at least).
If Gary has bought Castle Panic from Avon Toys I will happily play that.
I will bring Amyitis & Hamburgum - having played neither of those.
Is someone bringing Elder Sign / Arkham Horror Lite.
I would also happily join in with: Black Friday, Zombicide, Snowdonia, Terra Mystica.
Power Grid Factory Manager - played it so long ago, it may as well be new to me.

See you later,
John E

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

So it's Thanksgiving in the USA, which means it's Black Friday tomorrow.

So perhaps we should play Black Friday tonight, even though it's about crashing stock markets, not consumer bargains. Stuart?

Otherwise, there's plenty of other games. Last week three of us enjoyed the new club game Kingdoms; you might fancy trying it.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

It's on!

Usual place, usual time, usual everything.

We will have Kingdoms, and other games.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Hello Avon Toys, Goodbye Kitty

While upstairs in Avon Toys last night I noticed that they had a few new games in stock & thinking that we should support our friendly local games store.

If we have cash in the kitty can I suggest that we give Gary carte blanche to pay them a visit and buy a few.

I was thinking of the Knizia Kingdoms game and the defend the castle co-op game but I'd even be willing to try the Star Trek version of Catan.

Those in favour say Aye, those against say Nay.

Live Long & Prosper,

John E

Board games. Leamington. Tonight. 8pm. Newbold Comyn Arms.

Let's celebrate Bram Stoker's 125th birthday with some "old school" Rock / Paper / Scissors / Perky Goth role-playing and play Vampire: the Gathering, Hunter: the Reckoning, Werewolf: the Hairy Palms.
I think that there is a modern Dracula / Vampire board game but I have not seen it at the club.
I am not sure that I have any non-Lovecraftian Horror games but as I bought Cthulhu Fluxx from Avon Toys yesterday I would like to play that.
Can whoever has the Elder Sign game (Arkham Horror Lite) please bring that - I think that the club reaction was that it was bad but I haven't tried it.
I would also happily join in with: 7 Wonders, Castles of Burgundy, Ascension , Black Friday, Kingsburg, Zombicide, Snowdonia, Tikal I/II ...
See you later,
John E

Friday, 2 November 2012

Last Night's Gaming

Just the five of us last night.

We played Lords of Waterdeep. Matt won, having never played it before. I won last week, having never played it before, and lost badly this time. Suspicious. It was fun though, although with five players the downtime does start to drag slightly.

We also played Condottiere, a wonderful game as always, but marred by our having to rush the end of the game.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Board games. Leamington. Tonight.

8pm, Newbold Comyn Arms.

Games I would happily join in with include: Lords of Waterdeep, 7 Wonders, Castles of Burgundy, Ascension , Black Friday, Kingsburg, Zombicide, Snowdonia, Tikal I/II ...

Or anything else, to be honest.

Has anyone got City of Horror? Quinn out of Shut Up Sit Down says it's the best zombie game... Candidate for a club purchase?

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Yes, it's on.

Stuart says he's bringing his highlights from the Essen Spieltage.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Board games in Leamington tonight

It's Board Silly night in Leamington. 8pm, Newbold Comyn Arms. 50p unless you're new in which case it's free.

What we've been playing recently: Black Friday; Innovations; Zombicide; 7 Wonders; Locke And Key; Castles of Burgundy -- well, most of it's mentioned in this blog.

More of the same, or something new, tonight. Maybe our new copy of Lords of Watercress. Deep. Waterdeep.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Last night's gaming

A generous three tables' worth of players came last night.

At one table, we play-tested a prototype that one of us had been sent, then played Zombicide, which was tremendous fun. It's a co-op game, and as a team we beat the zombie hordes, although three of our four were victims to a climactic brain-eating frenzy at the end. Although nominally we won by collecting the last Objective token, I don't fancy the remaining character's chances when he emerges from that building...

At another table, Blood Bowl: Team Manager was played, Saboteur, and Dobble.

... and at a third table, Locke And Key, Batavia, then Nile.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Board games in Leamington tonight

There will be gaming.

Newbold Comyn Arms. 8pm. 50p regulars; 0p newbies.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Board games in Leamington tonight

It's Thursday. It's Board Silly Night.

Newbold Comyn Arms, 8pm. 50p regulars. Free to newcomers.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Play Board Games on Thursday night in Leamington Spa

BoardSilly Games Club meet on Thursday night from 20:00 at the Newbold Comyn Arms

I fancy playing:
  • Castles of Burgundy - with the option of differing board layouts
  • El Grande - I'm still missing Spain
  • Innovations - I'll bring it with me this week
  • 7 Wonders - are we going to buy the Cities expansion?
  • Caylus - I didn't play Caylus last week so the chance has gone for another few months
See you there,

John E

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Play Board Games in Leamington Spa tonight

After a couple of weeks in Spain lounging by a pool with a San Miguel or two I fancy something different. Luckily BoardSilly Games Club meet tonight from 20:00 at the Newbold Comyn Arms so I'll be lounging by a board game or two with a San Miguel or two.

I fancy playing:
  • El Grande - I'm missing Spain
  • Innovations - I'm missing Innovations
  • Caylus - I'm missing my Sanity
See you there,

John E

PS. This was Post #99 on the BoardSilly Blogger feed. I'll leave John H to weave his special magic on post #100.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Last night's gaming

13 people last night. But at different tables, so that's OK.

  • 4 of us played Puerto Rico, which is still great. We also played 2 vs 2 Ticket To Ride Asia, which is a pretty nice twist.
  • 5 of us played Black Friday. Everyone I spoke to liked it.
  • 4 of us played Castles of Burgundy. People seemed to enjoy it. Gary says "Yeah, it was good", but that could be because he won convincingly.
So a successful evening I think.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Tonight's the night (for board games in Leamington)

Let's play!

I'd love to play:
  • Black Monday again (it was great last week)
  • Castles of Burgundy (after gorging on it for weeks, had a bit of a rest, ready to go back)
  • Puerto Rico (it's a stone cold classic, and it's been a while for me)
  • Ghost Stories (made a load of fuss about buying it; I've never had a game!)
  • Ascension (I dunno, it just popped in there)
  • Other...

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Wednesday Night Gaming at Avon Toys

CANCELLED (postponed until next week)

For those who don't know, Avon Toys are starting to run some gaming nights in their shop in Leamington.  They have a casual games night this Wednesday that a couple of us will be attending.  It starts at 7pm and finishes when it finishes (probably around 10pm) so enough time for a board game or to tinker with a few rounds of Magic.

Hopefully in the near future, if they get enough people turning up to events like this, they'll be running some Friday Night Magic and other events. Go along, show your support, and steer them towards formats you enjoy :)

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Play Board Games in Leamington tonight

Hey y'all,
Who's up for some gaming action this evening?
My (Gary) sister and kids are visiting but I expect I'll be allowed out if I supply a bottle of wine or something for the ladies to drink.

So come and play some games
- Usual location (Newbold Comyn Arms)
- Usual price (50p or free for newcomers)

Speaking of which. The kitty is bulging again so if anyone has a good idea for a club game lets hear it.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Friendly Board Game Club Meet Tonight

Come and play some board games in a friendly pub atmosphere in the Newbold Comyn Arms.  Every Thursday at 8pm until closing.

Newcomers especially welcome, we have games for all experience levels.

We're not competitive, but we do like to win.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

BoardSilly Games Club meet tonight at the Newbold Comyn Arms at 8 o'clock to play board games.
See you there,

John E

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Hey hey, it's Thursday.

The Newbold Comyn Arms is revving up its air conditioners in anticipation* and we'll be there to play board games.

We have a wilful breakaway group playing Magic The Gathering. Ignore them. Play a board game.

8 o'clock. Earlier for the Magic splitters.

(*I was lying about the air con)

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Early start for gaming tomorrow

Just a quick reminder for anyone intending to join in the Magic the Gathering draft tomorrow.  We're hoping to get started at 7.00.  Also, with the nice weather the place has been busy in the afternoons and evenings. If you're first there try to grab a suitable table (for 8 or 10). If its still fine we could always draft outside :)

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Play Boardgames Tonight in Leamington Spa

Board Silly night. 8pm, Newbold Comyn Arms, Stables Bar.

With the Tour De France on I have dug out a couple of cycle racing games to play tonight: Um Reifenbreite and Devil Take The Hindmost.

I'll bring some other games as well.

See you later at the Newbold Comyn Arms.

John E

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Board games. Leamington. Tonight.

There's a thing on tonight at the Newbold Comyn Arms, for parents of kids at St. Peter's school.

But we're going to act as if it's not happening, and assume there will be some tables free for gaming.

See you there.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight

Usual place, usual time.

I'm bringing the same games I've brought for the last two months. I'm hoping someone brings that game whose name I can't remember but which I haven't played and should have...

If you're new it's free. If not it's 50p towards the games kitty - which is a negligible sum, right? Yet the kitty is at over £60 and growing!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Magic Draft #2

I've added a doodle (that calendar scheduler app thing) for Magic Draft #2.
Exactly the same as last time, some number of us pay Pete for packs of cards, sit round a table and draft a killer deck.  Or just pick up the valuable rare cards if you see any; your choice.


Click on that link, add your name and click yes on the days you would be able to make it. I've added every day in July from the 9th.  Weekdays would be a 7 'o' clock prompt start with no waiting for stragglers as we only just got finished last time.  If we go for a weekend we will have to negotiate times.

yes - means yes
no - means no
(yes) - means maybe (or "if I have to I'll make the effort").

I've said yes to Thursdays and (yes) to every other day for now as I haven't had the discussion with her indoors yet :D

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Last week nobody remembered to post, but we got a good showing anyway.

Usual time, usual place...

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight

Play board games in the Newbold Comyn Arms Stables Bar tonight from 8 o'clock.
Newcomers free. The irregulars pay 50p.
Get an easy win against me as I follow the fortunes of Italy's football team (my draw in the work sweepstake) in the Euro 2012 as they take on Germany (who have never beaten Italy in a major tournament).

I will bring:
- Condotierre
- Mama Mia (the pizza game)
- Innovation (Leo Da Vinci must be on the art somewhere)
- any other games I have with an Italian theme
- any club games as requested (reply to this thread before six this evening).

Please can someone else bring:
- Power Grid (if we have the Italy map)
- Command & Colors: Ancients (with the expansion where Romans crush the Goths)
See you there.

John E

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Play board games in the Newbold Comyn Arms Stables Bar tonight from 8 o'clock.
Newcomers free. The irregulars pay 50p.
I will bring:
- Hare & Tortoise
- Elfenland
- The Stars Are Right
- whatever else is in my games bag (not checked for two weeks)
- any club games as requested (reply to this thread before six this evening).

Please can someone else bring:
- Castles of Burgundy (the new shiny)
- Innovation (my copy)

See you there, barring familial conflict over the Spain v Ireland game,
John E

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Oh yeah, it's Thursday isn't it? The 3 day week is playing havok with my innate sense of what day it is.

Usual routine.

I will bring:

  • Tikal I and II
  • The Castles of Burgundy
Of course this is no guarantee that any of those will be played. I do thoroughly recommend Castles of Burgundy though, and I would be delighted if plenty of us had a go, so that we can eventually have some games in which no time is spent explaining the rules, and all players have some vague idea of strategy.

No 50p charge for first timers.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Play Board Games in Royal Leamington Spa Tonight

Play board games in the Newbold Comyn Arms Stables Bar tonight from 8 o'clock.
Newcomers free. The irregulars pay 50p.
I will bring:
- Castles of Burgundy (new & unpunched for Adam)
- Innovation
- Hare & Tortoise
- Elfenland
- The Stars Are Right
- any club games as requested (reply to this thread before six this evening).
See you there,
John E

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Play Board Games in Royal Leamington Spa Tonight

Play board games in the Newbold Comyn Arms Stables Bar tonight from 8 o'clock.
Newcomers free. 50p the rest of you.
I will bring:
- a workmate (real person not Black & Decker)
- Power Grid and the club's new map boards for Benelux & Central Europe.
- Innovation
- Settlers of Catan
- Quo Vadis
- The Stars Are Right
- any club games as requested (reply to this thread before six this evening).
See you there,
John E

Friday, 11 May 2012

Last night's gaming

Nine people, so three tables of three. Thomas Tresham would be proud of us.

  • Tikal II reveals itself to be very good indeed when you get the rules right. We followed up with Locke & Key: The Game
  • Ora et Labora - it was pretty to look at; that's all I know
  • Goa - Gary seemed to spend a lot of time with his nose in the rule book

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Same place, same time. Same 50p.

It's folly to try and second guess what we'll end up playing, but I will mention that the missing Tikal II manual is found!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Why not play a board game tonight?

It's Board Silly night. 8pm, Newbold Comyn Arms, Stables Bar.

See previous posts, it's much the same routine.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Last night's gaming

We split into two tables of four, and started setting up Galaxy Trucker and Dungeon Petz -- but then a 9th person turned up, so Dungeon Petz went back in its box, and we played Maori instead.

The truckers filled with a game of Pickomino. The Maoris had a go at The Isle of Doctor Necreaux which was just awful. A charitable view is that with 5 players it's not at its best -- but I don't see much promise with fewer players either.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Newbold Comyn Arms; 8pm; etc.

Possibilities include:

  • Ghost Stories - I still haven't played it
  • Tikal I or II
  • A little bird tells me Andy K has The Isle of Dr. Necreaux; hmm.
  • Other.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Magic the Gathering draft results

So congratulations to Gary (that's me) and Adam. I'm not sure which way that final game between me and Adam would have gone had we not run out of time. The decks seemed to be quite closely matched.

Pete T60.555555556
Pete S30.5

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Board Silly - Early start for some tonight

Don't forget: If you want to draft some Magic The Gathering tonight then please try and get there early.  We are hoping for a 7'o'clock start.  I'm also hoping there's an 8 man table available after the pub has been so busy in recent weeks! Bring £7.50 so we can reimburse Pete for supplying the cards.

If you don't want to do that, but do want to play the usual set of board and card games then turn up at the usual 8pm with the usual games and the usual 50p.

Hope to see you all there.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Last night's gaming

Plenty of people last night, split into 4 tables:

  • Eclipse -- A big game that they turned up early to set up. Although the four players only made it through 6 of the 9 rounds that would make a full game, they loved it -- and reckon that next time they can make up 45 minutes by already knowing the rules.
  • Tikal II: The Lost Temple -- new club game. We think we liked it, but we'll have to play again to apply anything like a strategy. If you didn't like Tikal, don't worry -- this has very little in common with it apart from theme and the presence of hexagons.
  • Troyes -- they appeared to be enjoying themselves.
  • Saint Petersburg followed by Race for the Galaxy

Thursday, 12 April 2012

So you want your own board gaming club?

This post isn't really for our regulars. Nor for anyone living within striking distance of Leamington -- keep coming to Board Silly; or if you're not already doing so, start.

No, it's for passers-by who might see what we're doing and want to do something similar. Board Silly is pretty successful right now -- my success criterion being that I can just turn up at an agreed place once a week and get to play games I like with people it's pleasant to be with. So I thought I'd write down what we do.

You don't need much:

You need to start with at least three people who you can rely on to come most weeks, at first -- simply so you're not sat on your own in a pub hoping for someone to turn up and recognise you as a gamer. Well, maybe two. But three is better, and more is better still. If you already know enough people who are up for it,  fine. Otherwise, lure friends, family and colleagues. When Board Silly started off, we made an effort to be very inclusive, promising casual games (Trivial Pursuit! Cranium!) as well as the stuff nobody had heard of. That side of things has withered away organically, but it got us started.

Find somewhere that's free. There is no reason to pay. Pubs are good. If pubs aren't your thing, then sorry. Some pubs will let you use a function room for free. Be prepared to skip a week now and then, if someone else pays to use the room. Some pubs are suitable places to play games in the main space -- this is the case at our current venue, the Newbold Comyn Arms. Do buy drinks. The pub needs to remain in business.

I'm sure you can imagine the problems you'd get if you used the wrong kind of pub. Little wooden pieces scattered across the floor, victims of an errant drunken stumble... Choose somewhere civilised.

We've chosen not to host evenings at people's houses -- it sidesteps an opportunity for things to get complicated. That said, members to sometimes set up games at their own houses.

We found that running a kitty works well. 50p per week is so small a sum that people barely notice it. Yet it quickly mounts up -- we buy games faster than we can play them!

This is the only area in which it seems wise to get a bit formal: nominate a treasurer. Keep records of the kitty income/outgoings (we found Google Docs to be great for doing this transparently).

You need a few games to get started. It's likely that you already own some, and you'll attract people with more. The classics (Carcassonne, Catan, Puerto Rico, ...) are enough to get started.

Once you start spending kitty money, you have games belonging to the club. Keep a record of which games these are (we found that creating a guild at BoardGameGeek.com, and adding games to the guild's "collection" is a good way to do this).

Club-owned games need to physically reside somewhere. We found that one person became the de-facto keeper of most of the collection, simply because he had space and showed willing. But the collection is still spread out among regulars. You may wish to track this formally. We haven't found a need to yet.

To get more people, you need to get the word out.

We setup this blog, and a Facebook page -- simply so that anyone Googling "board games club leamington" finds us. We also put posters in our local games shops. We have a Twitter account that posts using the #leamlive hashtag, which means some Leamington people might see it. This seems to be enough.

We looked at Meetup.com which is intended for exactly this kind of thing. But it costs money. Don't spend money, except on games!

And that's about it
There's really nothing else to it. There's no need to overcomplicate things. Meet. Play games. Take money. Spend money on games. Easy.

Club accounts for the past 12 months

There's really no reason for this to shadow a tax year as we don't have any liabilities.  That's how I have the spreadsheet set out though so there you go. These should always be available in google docs.  I'm not sure if there is a sane URL but this link ought to work if you are a member of the google group (if not shout up and we'll point you in the right direction):

A summary of 2011/12

Opening balance £55.02
Years subs £196.25
Spent £207.90
Year P/L -£11.65
Left in Kitty £43.37

Since then John E has picked up the Benelux map for Power Grid so we have slightly less in the kitty, but if there is a game you want the club to buy let it be known.

The £207.90 was spent on:

7 Wonders
7 Wonders: Leaders
Forbidden Island
Ghost Stories
Tikal II
Notre Dame
Caylus Magna Carta
Fast Flowing Forest Fellers
Ystari Box (expansions)

Not a bad haul for the price really!

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Quoth John Ellam on our Google Group:

No post yet at Board Silly Games Club 

Evidently, he has forgotten that he has posting rights here.

Still he has it all right:
Play board games in the warmth of the Newbold Comyn Arms.
Usual routine. 8 o'clock, Newcomers free. 50p the rest of you.
I will bring Power Grid and the club's new map boards for Benelux &
Central Europe.
I will also bring Innovation and any club games as requested (reply to
this thread before six this evening).
See you there,
John E

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Back to crappy weather!

What better excuse to play board games in the warmth of the Newbold Comyn Arms.

Usual routine. 8 o'clock, Newcomers free. 50p the rest of you.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Last Thursday's gaming

9 hardy gamers last week, and by coincidence, it became a dice game theme night.

Five of us played Elder Sign -- and beat it, as Pete warned us we probably would. I tried my best to engage with the theme -- reading the ominous descriptions on the cards out loud -- but I don't think we ever achieved the necessary sense of creeping dread. Perhaps it only works if you play it in an old dimly lit museum. And then the cards would be too hard to read...

The remaining four played Kingsburg, and seemed to enjoy themselves.

Note the complete absence of correspondence between what the blog said we might play, and what we ended up playing. That's how we roll.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Magic Draft on Thursday 19th April

Next week is seeming too soon to get word out to enough people to arrange for them to turn up early.  So the next best date is the 19th April.  So far there are only 6 names on the list that say they could make it, which is certainly enough to have a draft, but 2 more would be ideal... Hopefully Steve L and John E will also be able to make it on that date?

Everyone who wants to draft, please make sure you get there nice and early, we would want to be cracking the first pack at 7pm if we want any hope of finishing before the pub closes on us!

I'm hoping Pete will have access to a pairings calculator even if we don't go the full DCI rules route :)

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

If you don't know the drill, browse this site for info. If you do know the drill, nothing's changed.

Possible games:

  • Tikal -- with auctions as the designers intended. Steve wants to try this, and I'm more than willing to oblige. And a chess clock...
  • Ghost Stories -- if Andrew brings it and we can muster four interested Taoists.
  • I've told Gary to bring Ascension -- who knows, maybe he will?

Monday, 26 March 2012

Here kitty kitty

Gary tells me the kitty's up to £62.

We had been considering buying Merchants & Marauders, but it has an advertised playing time of 3 hours, and reports of taking even longer. So realistically, if we play it at all, it's not likely to be often enough to justify the price.

Tikal II: The Lost Temple was our other possibility; we need a few more voices in support of that before we take the plunge.

Oh, and this talk of big long games reminds me that I quite fancy Elder Sign -- it being similar to Arkham Horror, but shorter and faster:
Elder Sign is a fast-paced, cooperative dice game of supernatural intrigue for one to eight players by Richard Launius and Kevin Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror. Players take the roles of investigators racing against time to stave off the imminent return of the Ancient One. Armed with tools, allies, and occult knowledge, investigators must put their sanity and stamina to the test as they adventure to locate Elder Signs, the eldritch symbols used to seal away the Ancient Ones and win the game.
To locate Elder Signs, investigators must successfully endure Adventures within the museum and its environs. A countdown mechanism makes an Ancient One appear if the investigators are not quick enough. The investigators must then battle the Ancient One. A clever and thematic dice mechanism pits their exploration against monsters and the sheer difficulty of staying sane and healthy, all within the standard game duration of one to two hours.

Last Thursday's gaming

12 people came on Thursday, and we split into three tables:

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Play board games tonight in Leamington

The time and place are cunningly hidden somewhere in this web site (if, that is, you're viewing this on the blog's home page).

Monday, 19 March 2012

Last Thursday's gaming

We had a modest showing of seven last week. It was nice and sociable, because we fit around one large table playing two games.

Four of us played John E's new acquisition Locke & Key: The Game -- a card game with a new mechanic (to us, at least) and really nice artwork. The art is clipped directly from the comic of the same name. It was good enough that we played a second game of it.

The remaining three played Tikal. They seemed to enjoy themselves, although as everyone does, they noticed the considerable pauses as the player who's turn it is analyses their options. They opted not to play the auction variant; their loss.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

It's the usual routine, except I'll be there for the first time in three weeks.

I want to play Ghost Stories, if Andrew brings it. Hopefully 3 other Taoists will want to join me.

Newcomers pay nothing and get extra special welcomes.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

If you want to draft some Magic the Gathering read on

Pete has come by some magic boosters via potentially nefarious means (or he earned them as payment).
If anyone would like the opportunity to buy 3 of them from him for £2.50 a booster, and draft them with us then please let us know your availability.  The plan at the moment is to find a Thursday when enough people can turn up early (19:00) and get the draft, deck building and 3 rounds of games into the evening.

Sign up here:

If we cannot get a quorum on a Thursday we may have to look at other options. Comments should be open if you want to discuss a different option.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

If Andrew turns up there are likely to be Ghost Stories.
John E is like to bring Age of Empires III.
Gary is likely to be late.
John H is out of town.
Other statuses are currently unavailable.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight.

It's Board Silly night again.

8pm, Newbold Comyn Arms. It seems likely the Ghost Stories will get played.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Ghost Stories

Andy brought the club's new copy of Ghost Stories last night. We elected not to play, since nobody had studied the rules.

It sure is pretty.

Gary and I spend some of our lunch hour scoping out the rules and test-playing a few turns. I think we have its measure.

It looks as if it's going to be fun. It also looks as if playing without exactly four players would be a compromise. It seems very likely some of us will be playing it next Thursday.

Last Night's Gaming

Ten players showed up last night.

Four of us played Galaxy Trucker. Three of us played Agricola. Three of us played Race for the Galaxy.
All of those games finished at around the same time. The eight players who stayed on, played The Resistance. The saboteurs won. I'm not sure how to avoid that.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

New Club Game from Subs Fund

Look, its got Pirates....
And merchanting if you prefer to attempt an honest route to victory, although circumstances might change that.

We have nearly 70 quid in the kitty.  Minus the 30 we hopefully owe Andy('s mate) for Ghost Stories, that leaves enough to get voting on another game to buy.  Suggestions I've received in recent weeks include

Merchants and Marauders
Tikal II

Any others? I tell you what, I'll set up a vote system on the Facebook page:

Go vote everyone.

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Come to the Newbold Comyn Arms at 8. Observe the large group of people with big bags of board games. Join them for a game.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Last night's gaming

A decent number. More than 10. Fewer than 20.

One table played Batavia then 7 Wonders.

Three people played The Settlers of Catan. The Settlers of Catan is a resource trading game in which players compete to colonise an island!

Six fellows fooled with Fearsome Floors which was flipping fantastic - although with so many players, the result was fairly random. We followed with R-Eco and Bang!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

CCGs or TCGs

I just wanted to post this here as a few of us were having a little discussion of-forum about attending a Magic The Gathering booster draft evening up at Cov Uni one Wednesday.  We were hoping to go yesterday really but it wasn't a draft night! Maybe another week.  This is a small part of the discussion we were having:
I wouldn't buy boosters from Avon, as much as I like them we can source them for cheaper elsewhere. I think Hazel might sell them to us for £2.50 a pack? That's how much they charge on draft nights anyway. People at the Boardsilly club who I know play Magic are: 
  • Gary 
  • Pete Turner
  • Ray
  • Other Pete
  • Steve Lock
  • John E
  • Matt (I think)
... which is just enough to run a draft although 8 is the ideal. We'd also have to be pretty strict about times to get in enough games for it to be worth the effort of drafting. 3 games each is normal, at 50 minutes per match plus time for drafting probably wouldn't fit into anormal Thursday night. Unless it overran across nights. You know, we draft and play a game one evening, then the following week play the remaining games if everyone turns up :)

I'd also want to avoid any club funds going on Magic cards, it just doesn't seem right. Unless there is a separate Magic subsection and I don't think we want to go down that route, as much as I'd love to havea regular local playgroup for Magic it is a board game club primarily.

So all in all we'd probably be better off sticking to board and cardgames on a Thursday and collectible card games outside of that structure.

In summary:

  • I don't think club funds can be directed towards such open ended collectible games.
  • I do think it would be nice to play Magic occasionally at the club
  • I really wouldn't want to guide anyone towards buying any of the products apart from for a draft or sealed event where you can just count it as cost of entry.
  • A draft or sealed game is probably too long for a Thursday night, and cost is prohibitive especially against the "free" board games.
  • If I had the time,cards and sleeves to put together a pool of cards to draft from (cube draft) then that is potentially a way around it for anyone who does want a game.
  • Multi-player commander games might be a reasonable idea too.  I'll try and always bring  at least one and I think Pete has a few made up ready.  It more fun and nonsense than real magic :)
  • Steve and I played a few games before everyone else turned up during the last year, Its not an unreasonable 2 player filler.


Play board games tonight. In Leamington. Tonight.

It's Thursday.

I'll be at the Newbold Comyn Arms at 8, hoping someone's brought Ascention. Or Bang! Or something else. Whatever.

I'll wager another 8 people or more will be there too. See you there!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Last Night's gaming

Ten people, two tables.

At one table, we reminded ourselves of how good a game Puerto Rico is. It's a very good game. A very very good game. For fillers at the end, we played Pickomino and the very silly I Will Survive.

At the other table, John E connived his way into causing the remaining players to allow Camelot to fall in Shadows over Camelot. Then they played The Resistance, which was futile*.

(*I don't know whether it was futile or not. I just want to write it.)

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

It's Catan night at Board Silly! We will be conducting a rigorously refereed ladder league, on a pre-rolled standard board, culminating in a two player game between the two players at the top, watched by everyone else. No other gaming will be tolerated. The lucky winner gets a dirty pint paid for out of all those 50p subs we've collected over the weeks, to down quickly before Karen the barmaid's taxi arrives.

Not really. We'll just play whatever we like, for fun, as usual.

8 o'clock. Newbold Comyn Arms.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Last week's gaming

3 tables' worth I think.

  • A 6 player game of Condottiere - in the French 2nd edition, with the beautiful artwork, funny shaped cards, hilarious Bishop rules and no Spring to neuter Winter.
  •  7 Wonders, without the expansions
  • Amon-Ra and  R-Eco

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Friday, 27 January 2012

Last night's gaming

I wasn't there - as promised. You lucky, lucky people.

From what I'm told, there were ten people at three tables, playing:

So there you go.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

I'm watching comedy in Northampton tonight, but you're probably not, so you should go to the Newbold Comyn Arms and play board games.

8pm as usual. If previous weeks are a guide, there should be no shortage of games or people.

Have fun!

Friday, 20 January 2012

Last night's gaming

Thirteen gamers - but no worries because we weren't all at the same table.

Games played included:
Tikal's a cracking game. Worth noting that the person who spent the least time agonising over decisions, also won...

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Predictably, we'll be at the Newbold Comyn Arms at 8pm.

I have an urge to figuratively machete my way through the Guatemalan jungle, through the medium of modular board building and turn-order auctioning, so I'm going to bring Tikal.

Other people will bring other games, I'm sure.

Newcomers pay nothing at all. Unless they buy themselves a drink, which would be polite to the owners of the pub, who put up with us so graciously.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Caution: Small Parts

Ooh look, one of our number has started a blog: Caution Small Parts.

Last week's gaming

Ooh, lots of us. Four tables' worth.

We played German Railways ("uninteresting", quoth Gary), Princes of Florence, and other stuff that I didn't pay attention to.

Most importantly: I won Princes of Florence.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

The usual. Fun games. Nice people. 8pm until chucking out time (11pm unless the bar staff get bored). Newbold Comyn Arms. Leamington.

50p each goes to the club games fund, but we waive that for newcomers.

Speaking of the games fund, Gary has told me to link to Shut Up And Sit Down's article about new games to get excited about in 2012. So I have.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Last night's gaming

A bumper New Year's crop of 16 board gamers showed up last night, so we split into 4 tables.

I didn't keep a close eye on what games were played, but they included:

I can only comment on Ninjato, which James brought. 

It's one of those games where you get to choose fewer than you'd like to from a palette of options each turn: pick up fighting cards, to fight guards, to gain treasures, which you can spend to bribe powerful people and to spread rumours, which in turn win you victory points. 

The theming is lovely. There are a lot of rules to take on board at first, but by the first scoring round everything is reasonably clear. Some people might object to the randomness (I don't).

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

Not had your fill of games playing over Christmas and New Year?

Want to play something other than Monopoly? Without a paper hat and a groaning stomach?

Newbold Comyn Arms. Tonight. 8pm.