We play:

Settlers of Catan - Puerto Rico - Agricola - Condottiere - Ticket to Ride - Citadels - Torres - Shadows over Camelot - Race for the Galaxy - Formula De - Seven Wonders .. that kind of thing.

The club owns lots of games, and our members bring even more.

We meet:

Every Thursday - 8pm - Oak House Sports and Social Club, Leamington Spa

We welcome:


We charge:

Nothing! But if you do become a regular you will need to join the Social Club

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 6th March

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I will probably attend and bring a big bag of games, including 7 Wonders & Love Letter.

Gary may bring Caverna but after last week's epic first run through I'll give it a miss for a few weeks. It may be better played at a weekend or those interested can arrange an earlier start one Thursday.

If anyone has Kingsburg or Dominion I would play those games again.

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

I may arrive slightly late this evening (8:20ish) but I will see you later,

John E