We play:

Settlers of Catan - Puerto Rico - Agricola - Condottiere - Ticket to Ride - Citadels - Torres - Shadows over Camelot - Race for the Galaxy - Formula De - Seven Wonders .. that kind of thing.

The club owns lots of games, and our members bring even more.

We meet:

Every Thursday - 8pm - Oak House Sports and Social Club, Leamington Spa

We welcome:


We charge:

Nothing! But if you do become a regular you will need to join the Social Club

Monday, 1 December 2014

Change of venue, 4th Dec

This Thursday, it is 'Ladies Pamper Night' at Newbold Comyn, with a £5.00 entry fee.

The 5 of us present at last week's Board Silly discussed this and have agreed to meet at The Cask and Bottle next Thursday, 4th December.

So, go to the Newbold Comyn Arms if you want bath bombs; go to the Cask and Bottle if you want board games. -- 35 Kennedy Square, Leamington Spa, CV32 4SY

Keep an eye on the blog during December - Christmas can disrupt the schedule.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Play board games in Leamington tonight and every Thursday

Yeah, we haven't been great at posting every Thursday, so I'm giving up!

Gaming has gone ahead with or without posts here, so just assume someone will be there -- unless there's some indication otherwise here.

So, there will be gaming tonight. And there will be gaming on future Thursdays. Come along!

Thursday, 3 July 2014

There's no football on TV tonight

There's no football on TV tonight.

I'm thinking of going to the pub to play board games. How about you?

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Several Good Games v The Beautiful Game - BoardSilly on Thursday 19th June?

BoardSilly Games Club are due to meet on Thursday 19th June at 8:00.

Coincidentally, England play Uruguay in the World Cup in a "must win" game kicking off at 8:00.

As a result I won't be there. I could come down & watch in the pub but I would be lousy company while the football is on, and nobody there has seen me in tears since I arrived late and was offered, "Terra Mystica or Caylus?"

Other players may be missing due to the football. It may be worth staging your intention to attend (or not) in reply to this post.

I may be at a gig next Thursday, so I may not see you for two weeks or more. Perhaps the pain of the Italy game will have dulled enough for me to play G***y To R**e.


John E

Friday, 9 May 2014

BoardSilly Drinks Policy - Buy A Drink While Playing Games

New drinks policy for players while at BoardSilly Games Club:

"Buy a drink & have it in front of you while you're playing games at the pub."

Sorry to have to spell this out but the owners were in the pub last night & spotted the three players at one of the tables sitting with two empty glasses. They're paying the bills & it looked like we weren't doing our bit & buying drinks. They had a word with the barmaid and she had a word with one of us.

Even if you just buy a pint of orange squash & nurse it all evening, at least you've got a drink if anyone comes round checking what we're doing.

I know that people:

  • get involved with their games and don't think of leaving it to buy a drink.
  • don't want to drink a lot.
  • just want to buy their own drink, not buy a big round for everyone at the table.
  • don't want to miss what is going on in the game.

I understand all this and I am not looking to make anyone feel unwelcome to come to the games club.

We will:

  • accommodate comfort breaks to buy a drink & use the facilities.
  • wait patiently for people to return to the table.
  • give you a recap of what you missed while away from the games table.

What I don't want to do is annoy the owners of the pub where go every week. The club has tried using other pubs in the town as a venue but the Newbold Comyn Arms fits the bill better than most and have always welcomed us and treated us well. I don't want the hassle of finding another venue, and wherever we go will expect us to buy a drink while we're in playing games.


John E

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 17th April 2014

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I should be there on time tonight with a big bag of games, including Risk Legacy & Caverna.

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

See you later,

John E

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 6th March

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I will probably attend and bring a big bag of games, including 7 Wonders & Love Letter.

Gary may bring Caverna but after last week's epic first run through I'll give it a miss for a few weeks. It may be better played at a weekend or those interested can arrange an earlier start one Thursday.

If anyone has Kingsburg or Dominion I would play those games again.

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

I may arrive slightly late this evening (8:20ish) but I will see you later,

John E

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 27th February

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I will bring a big bag of games, including Agricola & Love Letter.

Gary may bring a big box of game: Caverna. Has he punched it out yet?

Does anyone have Kingsburg? I would play that again. Adam & Marina used to bring it to the club but I have not seen them for a while.

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

I may arrive slightly late this evening (8:20ish) but I will see you later,

John E

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 20th February

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I will bring a big bag of games, including Agricola, Castles of Burgundy & Love Letter, as I quite fancy a game of one of those.

Does anyone have Kingsburg? I would play that again. Adam & Marina used to bring it to the club but I have not seen them for a while.

Gary may have Caverna by this evening, depending on a games shop and several postal workers.

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

I may arrive slightly late this evening (8:20ish) but I will see you later,

John E

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 6th February

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I will bring a big bag of games, including Agricola, Castles of Burgundy & Taj Mahal, as I quite fancy a game of one of those.

Let me know if you want me to pack another club game that I might have.

Does anyone have Kingsburg? I would play that again. Adam & Marina used to bring it to the club but I have not seen them for a while. If nobody else at the club has it, we could consider getting that with some kitty funds.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

I may arrive slightly late this evening (8:20ish) but I will see you later,

John E

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Thursday 30th January

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I will bring a big bag of games, which I think still contains Castles of Burgundy, Risk Legacy & Taj Mahal (one of my favourites from Reiner Knizia).

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more boardgames, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.

I may arrive slightly late this evening (8:20ish) but I will see you later,

John E

Thursday, 23 January 2014

BoardSilly Games Club tonight in Leamington Spa - 23rd January 2014

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I may actually arrive on time this evening & I will bring a big bag of games, probably including:
Agricola (I am feeling masochistic)
Risk Legacy (ditto)
One of Reiner Knizia's ("Save me Herr Doctor!").

Let me know if you want me to pack a club game that I might have.

First time visitors play for free
Regulars pay 50p subs to fund more club game purchases

See you later,

John E

Thursday, 9 January 2014

BoardSilly Games Club tonight in Leamington Spa

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

Bring some games to the pub to play, or come to my house and collect a club game or ten to take to the pub. No, I will not be there this evening. Yet again.

Subs of 50p fund future purchases of club boardgames. First time visitors play for free.

See you next week (hopefully),
John E

Thursday, 2 January 2014

BoardSilly games club tonight in Leamington Spa

Happy New Year to you all. Start 2014 as you mean to go on - playing board games in the pub.

BoardSilly board games club meet tonight from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms in Leamington Spa.

I may not be there this evening due to family illness and will arrive late if I do get out. Bring some games, or come to my house and collect a club game or ten.

Subs of 50p fund future purchases of club boardgames. First time visitors play for free.

See you later (hopefully),
John E