BoardSilly board games club meet on Thursday night from 8pm at the Newbold Comyn Arms on Newbold Terrace East in Leamington Spa.
There is a school PTA pub quiz on tomorrow night in the Newbold Comyn Arms, so I will be taking part in that, but I will bring:
- Risk Legacy - for a 5 player game to start "the campaign" & assign each faction's starting powers - don't worry if you miss it, I think that we agreed to mix the players between games.
- King of Tokyo (Guy & Rhiann are interested in playing it)
- 7 Wonders
Let me know if you want me to bring another club game that I might have.
We ask for subs of 50p towards future purchases of more board games, unless it is your first visit, in which case it's free.
See you (briefly) tomorrow,
John E