We play:

Settlers of Catan - Puerto Rico - Agricola - Condottiere - Ticket to Ride - Citadels - Torres - Shadows over Camelot - Race for the Galaxy - Formula De - Seven Wonders .. that kind of thing.

The club owns lots of games, and our members bring even more.

We meet:

Every Thursday - 8pm - Oak House Sports and Social Club, Leamington Spa

We welcome:


We charge:

Nothing! But if you do become a regular you will need to join the Social Club

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Play board games in Leamington Spa tonight - Neophytes welcome

I fancy playing something new (to me at least).
If Gary has bought Castle Panic from Avon Toys I will happily play that.
I will bring Amyitis & Hamburgum - having played neither of those.
Is someone bringing Elder Sign / Arkham Horror Lite.
I would also happily join in with: Black Friday, Zombicide, Snowdonia, Terra Mystica.
Power Grid Factory Manager - played it so long ago, it may as well be new to me.

See you later,
John E

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

So it's Thanksgiving in the USA, which means it's Black Friday tomorrow.

So perhaps we should play Black Friday tonight, even though it's about crashing stock markets, not consumer bargains. Stuart?

Otherwise, there's plenty of other games. Last week three of us enjoyed the new club game Kingdoms; you might fancy trying it.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Play board games in Leamington tonight

It's on!

Usual place, usual time, usual everything.

We will have Kingdoms, and other games.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Hello Avon Toys, Goodbye Kitty

While upstairs in Avon Toys last night I noticed that they had a few new games in stock & thinking that we should support our friendly local games store.

If we have cash in the kitty can I suggest that we give Gary carte blanche to pay them a visit and buy a few.

I was thinking of the Knizia Kingdoms game and the defend the castle co-op game but I'd even be willing to try the Star Trek version of Catan.

Those in favour say Aye, those against say Nay.

Live Long & Prosper,

John E

Board games. Leamington. Tonight. 8pm. Newbold Comyn Arms.

Let's celebrate Bram Stoker's 125th birthday with some "old school" Rock / Paper / Scissors / Perky Goth role-playing and play Vampire: the Gathering, Hunter: the Reckoning, Werewolf: the Hairy Palms.
I think that there is a modern Dracula / Vampire board game but I have not seen it at the club.
I am not sure that I have any non-Lovecraftian Horror games but as I bought Cthulhu Fluxx from Avon Toys yesterday I would like to play that.
Can whoever has the Elder Sign game (Arkham Horror Lite) please bring that - I think that the club reaction was that it was bad but I haven't tried it.
I would also happily join in with: 7 Wonders, Castles of Burgundy, Ascension , Black Friday, Kingsburg, Zombicide, Snowdonia, Tikal I/II ...
See you later,
John E

Friday, 2 November 2012

Last Night's Gaming

Just the five of us last night.

We played Lords of Waterdeep. Matt won, having never played it before. I won last week, having never played it before, and lost badly this time. Suspicious. It was fun though, although with five players the downtime does start to drag slightly.

We also played Condottiere, a wonderful game as always, but marred by our having to rush the end of the game.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Board games. Leamington. Tonight.

8pm, Newbold Comyn Arms.

Games I would happily join in with include: Lords of Waterdeep, 7 Wonders, Castles of Burgundy, Ascension , Black Friday, Kingsburg, Zombicide, Snowdonia, Tikal I/II ...

Or anything else, to be honest.

Has anyone got City of Horror? Quinn out of Shut Up Sit Down says it's the best zombie game... Candidate for a club purchase?